The one word rule:

This activity can really help relieve your anxiety

And any sort of stress you have! What you want to do is grab a piece of paper or a notecard and write one word on it that motivates you. For example, you can write “patience” on a notecard. Add some doodles, drawings, sketching, whatever you want! Then, when you’re done with your notecard, put it in a place where you can see it every day and this is how you can easily get motivated! I would suggest writing a word that is something you want to change about yourself. Every month make a new notecard until you achieve one of them!

How can I motivate myself?

Personally, one way I try to motivate myself is by watching other productive videos of people. Watching other people being productive can give you a good idea of how to be productive and motivate you. You also don’t need to have a perfect lifestyle to achieve this goal. There are many things I want, but I can still achieve this goal. You know why? Don’t compare yourselves to others who you may think are perfect. Those people are also going through things. So the best thing is to not take things for granted and move on with life.

Write a time schedule:

If you make a time schedule and even have things to motivate you, that will help you achieve your goals faster and help you achieve having an organised schedule. 

Study Hacks:

When you are studying, put a timer on and try to finish doing your work. That can help you save A LOT of time and therefore you’ll be way more organised and you can even achieve your work. Also, feel free to make or grab a snack while you’re studying because that can help as well 🙂 

Organization overall:

Making sure you have a clean area and space is also very important. Keep in mind throwing things around and not putting them back where they belong can be not only frustrating for you but for others as well. So please be respectful and put items back where they belong and not somewhere else like the floor.

Extra tip:

Another thing that can help you get to know your roommates better and help You know how to respect them is to sit down with them and communicate while making a plan so you know each other’s boundaries and so all of you can get along much better and cause fewer problems for each other!